In the previous post, we mentioned the adoption of the WebVOI system for our online ID verification needs - so we thought it might be handy to explain this a little further.
Prior to us all being sent home to work, we would conduct a face-to-face meeting with our clients, to ensure there were who they claimed they were. We would take copies of their ID documents and be able to confirm they belong to the person sitting in the room with us.
This wasn’t always convenient for our clients, but appointments were made & kept. The status quo remained.
People are still buying & selling property and this verification of identity must still continue, so we have adopted Infotrack’s WebVOI system, to allow you (the buyer/seller) to use your smartphone to provide all the necessary paperwork & facial verifications required to keep your transactions secure.
What Happens?
When required, we send you a prompt to your nominated email.
From there, you are guided to provide:
· a headshot
· images of your photo identity documents (passport, drivers licence, birth certificate etc)
· images of any change of name documentation
· images of supplementary forms of ID, like a Medicare card
These documents are scanned by the system to prefill the relevant sections. You just need to check to ensure the data is correct (you can amend as needed).
You’ll also be asked to read a four digit unique code. Your phone will record this video action and save it for us to verify. This is deemed the face-to-face component.
The process takes 5-10 minutes, depending on how organised you are with your identity documents. We’ve also had a wide demographic perform these and can confirm it’s REALLY easy.
If you’d like to see WebVOI in action, Infotrack have recorded a short promo and a more in-depth demonstration. If you want to watch the in-depth version, we suggest starting at 3:44 for the client experience.
Going Forward
Covid-19 or not, this saves our clients having to make arrangements to leave work, come into the office at inconvenient times (possible with children).
They can do all the required tasks from their dining table in a matter of a few short minutes.
If you have any questions about your situation, contact me via or call 0414 894 031 to discuss OR feel free to book in a Zoom meeting to discuss.
Please note that the information contained in this article is of a general nature only and does not constitute legal advice. Stevens Conveyancing does not take responsibility for any errors or omissions obtained from the use of this information.